In general, adolescents experience hormonal changes at the age of 13-19. At the time of these hormonal changes, our skin generally experiences several types of problems, such as pimples or oily skin. Therefore, you need special skin care for teenagers. You should remember that skin care varies according to the type of age and gender. Teen skin care is different from adult care.
But there are times when teenagers often do the same care as adults. Where teenagers often use beauty products in excess. Well, this is the problem, if teenagers continue to do the same treatment with adults, their skin is likely to experience several problems. For those of you who are still in your teens, you should know how to treat the right skin for your age. Well, if you want to know how to do it, let’s see the discussion below.
1. Understand adolescent skin types.
The first step in caring for your skin is to first understand your skin type. Other skin care depends on the type of skin you have. Your skin type will also determine the problems that occur in your skin and determine the amount of care you need. To determine the type of skin is very easy, you can find out if your skin type is oily or dry only in a matter of days. Or if you need to go to a skin specialist to find out your skin type.
2. Clean the face
Face cleansing is one of the important skin care tips for teenagers and other women. The face should be cleaned at least 2 to 3 times a day. When cleaning the face, your pores will be clean and all the dirt on your face will disappear. If you don’t clean your face, then dirt will settle on your face, so that dirt will clog your pores and cause blackheads. If the skin is pimples, it will be worse than oily skin. For that, if your skin is blackheads, it is recommended that you clean your face at least 4 times a day using chemical-free face wash.
3. Avoid beauty products that contain chemicals.
In your adolescence, you should avoid excess beauty products. Because today beauty products use many chemicals. If you use these beauty products continuously, it is feared that your skin experiences fatal problems because, in general, the skin in adolescence is still sensitive and chooses those products who are chemical-free.
4. Use a moisturizer
If your skin is a type of dry skin, you should use a moisturizer, this is to avoid skin problems such as skin peeling. But when using moisturizers, avoid moisturizers that contain excessive chemicals.
5. Diet
In adolescence, they usually have bad eating habits and consume any food that is not useful. For that diet, because the diet will keep your skin healthy and this is the best skin care for teenagers. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.